(519) 639-3643
As the leaves change colours signifying the transition from summer to fall, pool owners sigh at the thought of packing away their bathing suits, inflatables, and pool accessories for the winter. While swimming may not be on top of your list during the cooler seasons, pool maintenance should never take a backseat. Ensuring the proper care of your pool during winter can save you precious time and effort when preparing for spring.
Viridity Incorporated, as your trusted partner in pool construction and maintenance, is here to guide you through essential winter maintenance steps to keep your pool in perfect shape.
Your pool, especially if it's a high-quality BR Fiberglass Pool like Viridity's top model, the Laguna 29, requires meticulous care throughout the year. Neglecting winter maintenance can lead to complications, such as:
- Algae growth due to changes in temperature.
- Freezing of pipes that could lead to cracks.
- Wear and tear on the pool liner.
By following a winter maintenance routine, you reduce the probability of these complications, ensuring your pool remains in prime condition for the following season.
Balancing the water chemistry before winterizing the pool keeps the water safe from corrosion or scale buildup. The ideal levels to maintain for the cold months are:
- pH: 7.2 - 7.4
- Alkalinity: 80 - 120 ppm
- Calcium Hardness: 180 - 220 ppm (for plaster pools) or 220 - 250 ppm (for vinyl pools)
- Chlorine: 1 - 3 ppm
Remove all leaves, dirt, and debris from your pool using a pool vacuum or skimmer. Scrub the sides and floor to prevent staining and algae growth.
Lowering your pool's water level prevents it from freezing and causing damage to the pool siding or plumbing system. Remember, do not drain your pool completely.
It's important to protect your pool equipment, including the pump, filter, and heater. Drain water from all pool equipment to prevent damage from freezing. Disconnect all pool accessories, store them in a safe place, and cover the pool equipment.
A strong, durable pool cover shields your pool from harsh winter conditions. Ensure the cover is secured tightly to prevent debris from entering the pool.
Keep an eye on the pool's water level, the tightness of the cover, and the condition of the equipment during winter. It's necessary to add water if needed, remove snow or standing water from the pool cover, and make sure the equipment is safe from the elements.
Winterizing your pool can seem daunting, but with the right guide and regular maintenance, it could save you a lot of trouble come spring. This routine helps extend your pool's lifespan and ensures it's ready to dive into as soon as the sun starts to shine.
At Viridity Incorporated, we understand the importance of maintaining your pool all year round. We offer comprehensive pool services to help you enjoy your pool without the hassle of maintenance.
If you need professional assistance with winterizing your pool or any other pool services, Viridity Incorporated is just one call away. Our team of experts in London, ON, and surrounding areas is always ready to transform your pool worries into a seamless, enjoyable experience. Contact us today to schedule your pool maintenance service or to discuss your next pool project.
Remember, a well-maintained pool is not just a sign of a responsible pool owner but also a promise of endless fun and relaxation when the warmer weather rolls back in!